With a view to strengthening the student’s self-motivation to keep them away from tobacco, alcohol, and other hazardous substances of abuse, RISA is conducting a regular annual Mass Pledge Campaign on “International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking” every year. This is one of our EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION-BASED activities since 2013. Tens of thousands of students and thousands of teachers from various International Indian Schools in Middle-East countries and other countries and selected educational institutions from Kerala (India) are participating in this noble venture every year.
We are very much thankful to all School principals, Management Committees, Indian missions in different countries, Social workers, and RISA regional/zonal team members for helping us to make the event better and better every year. We extend our special thanks to the National Committee for Narcotics Control, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for giving permission and recognition to conduct the RISA campaign in the Kingdom.
Let us continue to work together for this noble cause!
This is our 9th Mass Pledge Campaign. This year’s (2024) campaign theme is “The evidence is clear: invest in prevention”. RISA will continue to circulate leaflets, posters, etc. so as to help raise awareness of the major problem that illicit drugs pose to society.
This is our 8th Mass Pledge Campaign on the occasion of World No Drug Day
This year’s (2023) campaign theme is “People First: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention”.
RISA will continue to circulate leaflets, posters, etc. so as to help students, young people, and communities to raise their knowledge about the hazards of drug abuse and to prevent drug use and addiction.
We request educational institutions in India and all international Indian Schools in KSA and other Middle-East countries to join this noble campaign of RISA send your feedback (short video clips of not more than 100MB and a few photographs) at the following link:
Let us once again join hands in the fight against the social evils of tobacco, alcohol, and other substances of abuse.
This is the first Mass Pledge Campaign after getting enlisted in the UNODC NGO marketplace and UN NGO Database.
This year’s campaign theme “Share facts on drugs, save lives,” emphasizes the importance of combating disinformation campaigns about illegal drugs that can harm the public. RISA continues to circulate leaflets, training materials, etc. towards this theme.
In view of the continuing COVID situation, once again we would like to include the main COVID preventive measures in the pledge so as to facilitate the fight against COVID 19 along with the fight against substance abuse.
Tittle for the mass pledge 2021 will be the same as in last year: ‘Combat Substance Abuse & COVID Spread Together’.
press release: 05/07/21
Massive turnout on RISA Mass Pledge Campaign on World Drug Day 2021
The mass pledge campaign organized by the Riyadh Initiative against Substance Abuse (RISA) campaign under the patronage of Subair Kunju Foundation (a UNODC enlisted NGO) on the occasion of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is marked by a massive turnout of tens of thousands of students and thousands of teachers from various international Indian schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE and other Middle East countries as well as educational institutions from Kerala, India. It was the 6th Mass Pledge Campaign by RISA. In view of the covid situation, the campaign was on a virtual platform and the covid prevention measures were also included in the pledge as in the previous year.
The school Principals viz, Mrs. Meera Rahman, Mrs. Asma Shah (both IISR) Dr. Shawkath Pervez (AYIS), Mr. Mustafa (Alif), Mr. Mairaj Mohd Khan (DPS), Mrs. Asima Saleem (Yara), Mrs. Grace Thomas (NMEIS) and Mrs. Shabana Parveen (MMEIS) lead the pledge session in Riyadh. Dr. Muzaffar Hassan and Mrs. Farah (IIS Jeddah), Mr. Noushad Ali (IIS Jubail), Mrs. Mohnas Fareed (IIS Dammam), Dr. Jameel (IIS Buraidah) and Mr. Abdul Khader, and Mr. Pradeep (Al Muna School, Dammam) are the head of institutions from other provinces of KSA who lead the event.
There was massive student-teacher participation from the PACE group of schools in UAE under the chairmanship of Dr. Ibrahim. Dr.Manju Reji & Mrs.Shifana Muhees (principal&vice principal of India International School, Sharjah), Dr.Nasreen Banu (principal, Asian Indian school), Jaffer Shareef (Principal, CICE), Dr.Vishal Kathariya (Principal, Delhi Private School, Ajman) were the facilitators. The programs in UAE were coordinated by Adv. Aseef Mohammed of RISA.
In Kerala, all institutions of ERAM educational and welfare trust under the chairmanship of Dr. Siddique Ahmed (Eram academy of sports excellence, Mariumma Memorial Public School, Higher secondary school, and Teacher Training School) joined the pledge session, coordinated by the head of academics Lt. Col. Rocque. In Gokulam Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, a special webinar was arranged by the college union to mark the occasion. The dean Dr. Chandramohan, Dr.Sheela Vasudevan, Dr. Benny, Ms. Freesia Habeeb, and other college union office-bearers co-ordinated the function. Many students and teachers of Himaayathul Islam HSS, Kozhikkode, and MMVHHS, Parappil joined the campaign, and the principals Mr. Mohammed Basheer & Mr. T.P Jaleel & NSS co-ordinators Mr. Sersar Ali & Mr. Abdul Naser took the initiative. In Al Fathah English Medium School, Vazhippara, Malappuram, the school director Mr. Abdul Hakeem & Principal Mr. Shaji Faizal facilitated the activity. Programs in the north zone of Kerala were coordinated by Mr. Abdul Salam P.K of RISA.
RISA convener and chairman of Subair Kunju foundation, Dr. Abdul Azeez Subair Kunju, the program consultant Dr. A V Bharathan, the RISA State coordinator Mr. Karunakaran Pillai, publicity convener Mr. Nizar Kallara, zonal conveners Mr. Noushad Ismail and Shameer Yusuf, Dr. Thampi Velappan, school activity conveners Mrs. Meera Rahman and Mrs. Padmini U Nair, Dr. Raju Varghese, Mr. Rashid Khan, Mr. Georgekutty Makkulath, Mr. Abdul Rasheed Bapati, and social activist Shihab Kottukad and Indo-Saudi Medical Forum vice-president Dr. Anwar Kurshid were involved in the successful conduct of the campaign, coordinating with different zonal/regional committees of —-RISA.

The News Lark, 8 July 2021

Mass Pledge campaign 2020
This year’s campaign theme “Better Knowledge for Better Care” aims at improving the understanding of the world drug problem and at fostering greater international cooperation for countering its impact on health, governance, and security.
In this year’s pledge, we would like to include the main preventive measures of COVID 19 as the disease pandemic endures to be a major public health threat all over the world. We expect such inclusion in the pledge will make a definite impact to combat substance abuse & spread of COVID 19 together in our community.