Currently Subair Kunju foundation has four different forums of activity- the RISA group in social media, RISA CLUB IN SCHOOLS, SKF FAMILY FORUM and RISA -TAG. Each forum has independent expert monitoring setup. We  welcome people who are away from any substance of addiction and agree to join the fight against the social evils of substance abuse in our forums. We believe in the quality of our participants and not the quantity! We also believe that each and every personal  effort counts and  can make wonderful positive change in the community.


It is fact that teachers and trained children are the best group to spread the message of substance abuse. We believe that continuous education among teenagers through schools is the most effective way to control substance abuse in the future generation and hence RISA started forming RISA health Clubs in Schools. The first such club was formed in the International Indian School, Riyadh in December 2015. We are in the process of forming such clubs widely in KSA  and  other countries and planning training of trainer (TOT) program through the health Clubs.


skf family forum is a special forum of the family members of SKF volunteers.The enrolled family members can participate in all major SKF events, especially in the fight in the fight against Substance abuse.

A. CREATIVE MINDS-RIYADH: This project is to train and promote creative art work, handicrafts etc. among women.

  1. Art and crafts: the project cover painting, clay modeling, beadwork, crochet work, embroidery, stitching, flower making etc.
  2. Best out of Waste: the project aims to promote making beautiful handicrafts using discarded materials such as plastic bottles, egg trays, pistachio shells, waste papers etc. The trained ladies can easily make decorative handicrafts at home with virtually no investment. It will not only prevent dumping but also helps in effective recycling of waste materials.

B . KID’S CREATIONS: With a vision to promote the kids creative works such as drawings/ paintings/poems/short stories/ cartoons/write ups, we introduce a slot under this title shortly. This is intended for kids between the ages 5 years to 12.


RISA – TAG is one of our novel ventures to spread the RISA activity more effectively and globally. The launching of the project will be announced shortly